DogeWalk Token Voucher
DWD-SFT has been upgraded into a new and improved digital asset: the DWD Token Voucher. This latest offering from DogeWalk represents an enhancement over the previous DWD-SFT, designed as a unique non-fungible token (NFT). DWD Token Voucher cannot be split or merged. It can be freely traded across various NFT marketplaces, maintaining the usual trading flexibility while enhancing the security of transactions on these platforms. Like DWD-SFT, the DWD Token Voucher is also 250 specifications. Also, it can be claimed into DWD when the $DWD is listed.
How to change your DWD-SFT into DWD-TV?
Login to any NFT Marketplaces.
Go to your personal assets page, find the corresponding DogeWalk-SFT to transfer out.
Initiate the transfer of DogeWalk-SFT, fill in the receiving address 0xF2D9E0D85961eD3DfAd3Cc9b7933378B478545fF
DogeWalk will airdrop the DWD Token Voucher into your transfer out wallet within 72 hours after receiving the DWD-SFT.
If your transfer-out wallet address is registered/bound with DogeWalk, you will receive 500 $BONES as an upgrade reward during the event period, which can be used for upgrading NFT, Treasure Hunt, etc.
How to Extract DWD-TV through the APP?
To extract DWD-TV, follow these steps:
Tap on the wallet icon on the top right corner of the APP.
Tap on DWD and then tap on extract.
Make sure you have at least 250 DWD to extract. [1 DWD-TV for 250 DWD]
Enter the amount of DWD you want to withdraw. It must be a multiple of 250.
Enter your XX wallet address and tap on Transfer.
You will need to verify your withdrawal with Google Authenticator. If you have already bound Google Authenticator to your account, please follow the steps below:
Open Google Authenticator and check the latest code for DogeWalk. It is a 6-digit number that changes every 30 seconds.
Enter the code in the APP and tap on extract.
You have successfully extracted your DWD-TV!
If you have not bound Google Authenticator to your account, follow the steps below:
Download Google Authenticator from the app store and install it on your device.
Follow the guidelines in the DogeWalk APP to bind Google Authenticator. You can either scan a QR code or enter a secret key manually. (Please keep the secret key in a safe place)
After you add DogeWalk to Google Authenticator, you will see a 6-digit code for DogeWalk. It changes every 30 seconds.
Enter the code in the APP and tap on OK. You have successfully bound Google Authenticator to your account. Now, you can proceed with the extract process as described above.
Last updated